About Lenna…One More Crazy Lady Who Writes

I know…the name/title of this blog sounds kinda silly, but the older I get the more that “silly” is crucial to keeping some degree of sanity in a world I don’t really recognize.  Mentally I’m still in “Mayberry” (google, if you’re too young to remember).

I thought “memory issues” were pretty concerning, but I’m rethinking that today…maybe the bleak “recall” will fade.

At any rate, my strength is in Jesus…and humor.  Even the Bible is funny to me sometimes–and that’s a good thing, it keeps me humble…because people haven’t changed much in 2000 years–same old dramas, ya know.  So yep, I’m a church lady.

Some of what I write will hopefully encourage, even entertain readers…and maybe you’ll relate to some of the “bleak” poems–because Life is a roller coaster (more so for some than others).

One thing I love about King David, the psalmist–he’d write about however he was feeling, whether complaining bitterly (or guiltily), or praising the mind-blowing wonderfulness of the Lord.

So whether I’m bleak, or better…or blinking between the two…I’m thanking God He has a firm grip on me!

Oh, by the way–unless otherwise noted, all the images are my own.  If there’s something you like, ask nice and I’ll probably say, “help yourself, hon”.

Those roses?  Yep, they’re from my husband, Mr Perfect Invisible (imagination’s a Huge Gift!).  I’m glad no one can see him–he’s so handsome I’d have to put barbwire around us keep the girls away!

Well, I’ll come back later…it’s nearly midnight and I have to shop early tomorrow.  Y’all take care now–I may not know your names but I’ll be praying for you!

6 thoughts on “About Lenna…One More Crazy Lady Who Writes
