Lone Sad Visitor

For Stream of Consciousness Saturday and The Daily Spur

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/


At island’s shoreline

Standing as if I were its

Lone sad visitor

Watching water move…a vague

Frothed green, some blue of his eyes…

Smelling flowers’ perfume, salt–

Skin sticky with sweat

I tasted tears, rolling wave

After heartbreak’s wave

And let them have their own say

Fingers not blotting harsh truth…

Despite foolish dreams

He’d not been on loan to me–

Only courtesy

Of grand imagination

I cling to, cannot un-clench

©Lenna Boat, 2024

https://lindaghill.com/2024/05/10/the-friday-reminder-and-prompt-for-socs-may-11-2024/ Prompt: lone/loan

https://thedailyspur.wordpress.com/2024/05/12/writing-exercise-sun-may-12-2024/  Today’s writing exercise is: “Describe a location using all the senses”. 

Ghost Forest




Mind is ladenghost forest

Is shiny like blisters tonight

Oozing yesterday’s rain…

The vanishing shadows will

Scatter again–they always do

They must–but this night

They are mingled mutely…

In sweat-drenched bed I

Visualize my hand tossing

Pebble after pebble, hitting

Each face that lurches

Toward me…

I long to empty the forest

Hear the unforgiven, and

Unforgiving alike

Gasping last gasp…leaving me

Free, in God’s merciful peace

©Lenna Boat, 2024

Prompt words: pebble shiny laden ghost mingled blisters gasping vanishing empty scatter forest shadows

Inglorious Street


Image credit Sarah Whiley

I would not walk there at midnight

Nor twilight… not even noontime

Certainly never in dawn’s light:

Its rays infinitely deceptive, with

Lovely subtle colors lifting hands

As though to welcome ones

Naive, down peculiar pathway–

There was a murder recently

Ghastly, what was done to teenage

Girl…such terror she must have

Suffered before the end came

Swiftly (I hope)

The slash across her throat

Prevented single scream–she

Was left there pale and naked

Clothes piled neat beside–

I knew her, I believe

Her laughter so free-falling…

And learning of her killer

I feared he’d come after me…

She was all of innocence

Pure heart devout unfeigned

It was early morning she

Was walking narrow street

To school, she tutored music

Students…sonatas called her

Name, made rosy cheeks glow–

But I was soiled with ignorance

Things I couldn’t tell…nothing

In my studies inspired me to excell–

There was no reasoning her death

Horror undeserved, evil violence…

Against acquaintance-fiend who’d slain

Her– I, un-cherished, talentless

Would not have stood a chance

©Lenna Boat, 2024



“They” say it’s wasted

Breath to indulge in regret

Profoundly futile

Exercise of mind and soul

None of us can change the Past

Yet it aches so deep

Drives heart down old dead-end streets

Headed for a crash

Hopefully fatal at last

Never to recall again

Those worst decisions

Squandered opportunities

Words I can’t take back

Deeds that shame me to marrow

There aren’t enough tomorrows

For making amends

I’m glad I’ve got a Savior

On whom I depend

To love me into wholeness

Since I’ve burned the bridge of friends

©Lenna Boat, 2024