Notes (“SoCS”)

Click the link above for all the rules/instructions for Stream of Consciousness Saturday.  The prompt is “Note”.

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley!


Thank God for post-it notes…as memory abandons me I find I’m buried in yellow squares…could be worse!  I just wish they could sort themselves out…how the heck am I supposed to remember what or where or why the note I wrote applies?


Mrs Magoo’s Advice for Ageing

If you’re a “senior”

Wondering how you got “there”

Maybe you’re surprised…

So much new navigation

Learning curious changes


Have you cataracts?

Keep, or hone sense of humor

Meet Mrs Magoo

Made me think of eye exams

Doctor always asked, “better?


Worse? Better now? Worse?”

Too confusing, I’d just Blink

Turned out blink was key

Life is much better somedays

Bleak might be only briefly


Take deep breaths and blink

Either situations change

Or peace shifts within

©Lenna Boat, 2024