I Don’t Do…


I don’t do breakfast

As such… I don’t do mornings

Which is when breakfast

Usually is scheduled

Enjoyed by ‘normal’ people–

I am not ‘normal’

I’m not obliged to conform…

I may eat breakfast-

Type foods, meals at other times

To suit mercurial moods

Of cloistered lifestyle

Unencumbered by people

Who’d likely not share

My quixotic hours and tastes😉

©Lenna Boat, 2024

Grain of Good Sense (6SS)


Please click the link above to enjoy Denise’s weekly “Six-Sentence Story” challenge.  This week her Prompt Word is GRAIN ~


See image note at end of text*

My grandma told me I didn’t have a grain of good sense, marrying Gabe…she was a practical woman.

I didn’t listen…I was young, enamored, and would have crawled across broken glass to be with him.

And I remain wildly in love with him, we’ve been happy as pigs in mud for decades–though we’ve had an issue or two just like everybody does.

But when you get used to something it becomes a non-issue–we call it ‘wedded bliss’; ohh… I may as well be honest…our issue is NOT like everyone else’s, not even close.

The ‘problem’ only arose when Gabe retired and we applied for disability benefits for him.

Turns out, being invisible doesn’t qualify as a “disability” (if others can’t see you, they’re disabled); I tried explaining to the powers that be: “he wasn’t invisible when I married him 40 years ago”; we’re mired in the appeals process~

©Lenna Boat, 2024

*(Image: Gabe, looking at himself in mirror)

Notes (“SoCS”)


Click the link above for all the rules/instructions for Stream of Consciousness Saturday.  The prompt is “Note”.

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/


Thank God for post-it notes…as memory abandons me I find I’m buried in yellow squares…could be worse!  I just wish they could sort themselves out…how the heck am I supposed to remember what or where or why the note I wrote applies?
