The Not-a-Birthday Bus

Words: birthday, party, happy, tray, glass, strangers, bus, smiles, age, celebration, guests, greet


I used to talk to strangers

On the bus, it was like all

Of us were guests at a party

Except that not everyone

Was happy, nor having a

Birthday…or in celebration

Mood–so there was no cake

On a tray nor glass to toast

Someone’s age–which none

Would confess…

We might greet each other

With smilesbut maybe not

For we were strangers after all

Merely collected on a bus

©Lenna Boat, 2024


Your words today are: sunshine, smile, happy, cheer, changes, improve, colour, relax, blush, please, shoes, toes


Oh, how we dreamed of happy

Sunshine days’ warm blush

From smile to toes

We’d relax and cheer each other

With jokes, poems, think up

Changes which would

Improve the world–

At least our tiny corner:

We’d create new colors, say

“Please” more often–make that

A legal requirement…

We laughed, sighed–then looked

At each other without a

Word, put on our shoes, and

Headed back to Reality

©Lenna Boat, 2024