
“They” say it’s wasted

Breath to indulge in regret

Profoundly futile

Exercise of mind and soul

None of us can change the Past

Yet it aches so deep

Drives heart down old dead-end streets

Headed for a crash

Hopefully fatal at last

Never to recall again

Those worst decisions

Squandered opportunities

Words I can’t take back

Deeds that shame me to marrow

There aren’t enough tomorrows

For making amends

I’m glad I’ve got a Savior

On whom I depend

To love me into wholeness

Since I’ve burned the bridge of friends

©Lenna Boat, 2024

No Fairy Tale   Prompt words:  clear, past, memory, laughter, childhood, chatter, thoughts, play, friends, stop, secrets, whispers

Too clear, the Past’s memories

They chatter, whisper secrets

Will not stop their torment

Remind me there were no

 Friends nor childhood play

(Laughter stifled, fearing fury)…

Oh how pitiful I sound, such

Melodramatic meandering

Thoughts–surely I exaggerate

Make much ado of nothing

More than imagined offences…

Perhaps most memories are

Murky, mired in muddy bogs–

But why would I deceive, use

Dreadful image to disguise

If I’d lived glittered fairy tale

Been someone’s treasured prize…

©Lenna Boat, 2024

No Pilgrimage to Past

This heart cannot, will not, must not

Make pilgrimage to the Past–

What’s there but ashes, dust, dry bones

Of dreams, foolish youth’s romantic

Delusions… Nothing of gilded treasure to

Remember, none would greet me gladly…

If ‘sacred’, long road is time-beaten

By bad weather choices, pitted

Potholed decisions, plans gone

Awry for lack of wisdom, maturity

Cautious consideration, counsel…

These soul-shod feet no longer

Steady, strength gone–best not

Count on a hero-samaritan to

Redirect from twisted, brambly

Wrong turns that dead end, and

Those certain burnt bridges–

Dare to focus forward, heart

©Lenna Boat, 2024

(93 words/