Thoughtful Lot, Meet the Team (3TC)

Prompt Words: Puppies, Kittens, Chicks


(a deviation from the animal/pet theme…)

No puppies, no chicks

No kittens–thanks anyway

My menagerie

Is small, stuffed with plush something

A quiet lot, thinking thoughts

Of what, I’m unsure…

Dare not let paranoia

Take the wheel, drive us

Through mind’s dusty labyrinth

Where birds have warned of danger

My guys’ reluctant pose: 

Old Guy in back, Manhattan; in the middle, Pax/Paxie (koala) hails from Australia (he remains mildly shell-shocked from his true journey to the USA a couple Christmases ago); in front, Harley (hedgehog) was another Christmas wayfaring stranger.  Despite slumping postures, all are upstanding Spirit-filled dudes…and nothing gets by ’em.

The badges: “pawprints”, “Not Normal” sign, “What Page Are You On?”; and Micah 7:7, “I will look to the Lord”.

©Lenna Boat, 2024